About the Author
C. R. Robinson was born in a small mountain community of Marion, Virginia. As a child, Chris enjoyed hearing stories and often partook in telling stories. He wasn’t the best student and struggled to read and write during his early years of school.
The summer of 1977 was his first season of change. Chris’ uncle, Roger, took him and his younger brother, Tim, to see Star Wars IV at the Bristol Mall theater. It was a cinematic event, unlike anything he had witnessed before.
Following the movie, the trio caroused the mall, where they passed by a book store. In its display window was a stack of paperback novels of Star Wars by George Lucas. Roger purchased the book for Chris, forever changing his life. The movie had left an indelible mark on him, but he wanted to read the novel. He struggled to read the first chapter, but Luke’s adventure compelled Chris to push himself. It took him a year to read that first novel, but his appetite for reading was ignited. And so was his desire to become an author and start telling his own stories.
Chris discovered authors such as Piers Anthony, Isaac Asimov, H.P. Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis during high school. His second season of change occurred when he found his first and only love, Dottie, who barely knew he existed outside of French Class II. His sheer determination and perseverance won her over, and they were married in June of 1986. Dottie was the only person who knew he wanted to be an author. Chris would fill notebooks with stories, never sharing them out of fear of rejection.
Throughout his career, Chris has had many roles: production worker, quality laboratory leader, process engineer, extrusion SME, entrepreneur, CNC operator/programmer, and operations leader. Yet, his third season of change occurred with the births of his son and daughter.
2013 marked Chris’ fourth season of change when he enrolled at Bluefield College. He graduated in 2017 with a B.S. in Business Management and Leadership, Summa Cum Laude. While working on his degree, Chris received praise for his writing ability. He took a chance and wrote a short story for the college’s fall creative writing competition during his final year. Amazingly, Chris won first place!
Emboldened with renewed confidence others may enjoy his stories, Chris wrote his first novel, Call to Action, which is the first installment of the series, Paired. Chris is working on the second installment, with future books outlined.