C. R. Robinson

By Chris Robinson | October 2, 2022 | Writing

Twenty-two Months

Well, the last twenty-two months have been… interesting. Chaotic. Stressful. Hopeful. We learned that SARS-CoV-2 has a lower mortality rate than Influenza. There are effective therapeutics to fight against COVID-19 infection. Lockdowns do more damage than good. And, it appears the U.S. Government colluded with some social media companies to censure free speech! We live in prophetical times, indeed.

Writing Update

In January 2021, my plan had been to complete the second draft of Paired: Book 2 by September 2022. The adage, “No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy,” (Helmuth von Moltke) certainly applies in my case.

Writing is my passion, but like many aspiring, self-published authors, my writing income hasn’t supplanted the income produced from my day job. Free time to write fell by the wayside while I fought to ensure my employer’s business survived, and even thrived.

It isn’t all bad, though, unless you are patiently waiting on Book Two. I’m slowly seeing daylight at the end of the tunnel and it’s my sincerest hope to pick up pen and paper, well, MacBook, and finish Book Two.

Thank you all for your patience. The last two years have been exceptionally challenging. My prayers go out to all of you. We will come through this ordeal hardened and honed to a razor’s edge like Cortain. Anna and her fellow Paladins, along with their Seekers, will continue the good fight as evil threatens the world.